
How the PAF works

Funds contributed to the Parkston Area Foundation are held as an advised fund within the South Dakota Community Foundation.  The SDCF allows each fund to distribute five percent of the fund's average fair market value each year.  The SDCF charges an administrative fee of approximately 1.1 percent.  Distributions are limited to fund earnings less the administrative fee.  Earnings in excess of distributions and the administrative fee are credited directly to the account, increasing the value of the fund.


 Community Fund


 Earnings (7.6% average)


 Grant Distributions (5%)


 Administrative Fee (1.1%)


 New Account Balance


Why Invest

When you give to the Parkston Area Foundation, you are helping to build a charitable fund which is a continuing endowment.  You can be assured that your gift will make a lasting impact on your communities in the areas of economic development, human services, health, education, cultural enhancement, and scholarships.  You may give a gift in your name, in honor of a special event, or in memory of a loved one.  There is no better way to leave a lasting legacy in your community.

How to Contribute

Any person can contribute any amount to the Parkston Area Foundation in the form of a one-time contribution, a four-year pledge, a gift from an estate plan, or by giving gifts of assets such as stock, real estate, or life insurance.  Many people also give a gift of money in the form of a memorial. You can donate online or mail donations to the Parkston Area Foundation at PO Box 823, Parkston, SD 57366.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email the PAF at or call 605.928.7938.